
How to Promote Your Business With Solar Innovations

by | Oct 8, 2021 | Solar Leads

Looking for new ways to promote your solar business? Here is how solar innovation can attract new customers to your business.

Invention Solar Marketing Agency

Solar energy in the U.S. is booming. Year-over-year increases are putting green energy on the map while the demand for solar energy grows.

The industry is seeing an average annual growth rate of 68 percent. Solar sector employment has doubled since 2012.

Being in the solar business is beginning to pay off and in a big way. There’s never been a better time to be a solar-focused business.

However, with industry success also comes industry competition. Competitors move to surging markets, and solar is no different.

So to stand out, solar businesses need to capitalize on the latest and greatest in solar innovation.

Standing out from the rest means letting customers know about innovation and progress that can help them save money and energy.

With the proper marketing strategies, any solar company can grow its business quickly. Here’s how.

Solar Innovation 101

Not every solar company makes the same products or focuses on selling the same services. Every niche is different.

There are, however, enough universal solar innovations that promoting and offering cutting-edge technology can help a company stand out from its peers, regardless of its specific niche.

It’s finding the technology to use and then highlighting what causes businesses headaches.

That’s where solar marketing comes into play. Marketers know what’s hot with green-minded people and how to showcase a company’s latest and greatest solar tech.

When it comes to solar innovation, knowing the latest solar trends is crucial.

A company might not have Tesla solar shingles, but they have probably benefited from advancements in battery technology.

So, battery technology becomes part of the marketing campaign—the newer the battery technology, the more response from forward-thinking customers.

No matter a company’s specific niche, highlighting these advancements is easy.

Most businesses are likely striving to become cutting-edge anyway, and the next step is just showcasing the shiny new technology.

Common Innovation – Easy Marketing

Most solar companies share enough in common that highlighting innovation fits across different brands. Solar marketing companies like Invention closely monitor the industry and how sales and marketing are evolving.  Common innovation is needed, but disruptive innovation is where big growth comes into play.

Marketers look for recent advancements that aren’t hard for companies to follow. They then market the advancements in internet-centric ways.

Battery Technology

Elon Musk might lead the way in battery technology, but he doesn’t have a monopoly on all advancements in solar battery technology.

As solar panel technology improves, battery technology has as well. Batteries are in the pipeline with the ability to hold a month’s worth of charge.

And Mr. Musk has technology that’s already driving down the price point of previous solar storage methods by as much as 60 percent.

Solar Efficiency

Another far-reaching idea in the solar market is the rapidly increasing efficiency of solar technology. Gone are the days of clunky systems that don’t yield enough energy to stay viable.

Today, a Swedish company named Ripasso Energy claims their “machine” can convert 34 percent of the sun’s energy into power.

That’s an 11 percent increase over the standard 23 percent and results in an impressive 75 to 85 zero-emission megawatt hours of electricity per year.

Again, not every solar company utilizes this technology. However, the technology will find its way into solar systems that power the nation’s homes.

Customers respond well to technological advances and like learning about the future, especially from a company promising to offer them “future” tech very soon.

Marketing the Technology

Digital marketing is everywhere, in every niche, and every business should understand how powerful the idea is.

However, most companies across most niches don’t realize that digital marketing applies to their business.

Either they’re unaware of the powers of digital marketing, or they don’t know what to highlight with their campaigns.

Social Media

Social media is an excellent avenue to explore, and a solar marketing agency can help you stay organized and achieve your goals. Remember, sales are for today, but marketing is forever.

Putting innovations on social media helps boost SEO and appeals to the millennial demographic that loves green energy.

Making posts that push innovations to the public helps people know that a company is on the cutting edge.

Articles, links to innovations, and other content highlighting Solar’s advancements can gather shares and drive people to a company’s website.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the hottest trends in digital marketing today. And there’s no reason the solar industry can’t capitalize.

When people shop, they look to others for advice on what to buy. Just like Yelp influences people every day, so do influencers.

So what is an influencer? They’re bloggers, social media advocates, YouTube stars, and more.

People look to them for the latest trends, reviews, and everything. 60 percent of consumers feel influenced by blog reviews or social media posts.

Getting reliable influencers is the hardest part. Influencers usually take payment to promote products, but sometimes backlinks or sharing their content on social networks can provide enough incentive.

An influencer sharing a company’s push to utilize new battery technology for solar systems in local homes could see that company get a significant increase in customers.


Search engine optimization involves letting a marketing agency optimize for the best keywords, HTML practices, and more.

For example, a business looking to boost its local SEO could optimize for keywords like “solar efficiency.”

The idea is to appear in a Google search when potential customers search for “solar efficiency” or similar terms.

Once the consumer is on their website, the business can use its landing pages to send customers to a lead generation form, purchase form, or even their social media channels.

People who follow the social media link could end up following the company and showing it to their friends.

Internet traffic tends to recycle. It’s not so much the niche but more about the strategy used to take a niche’s selling points and turn them into something interesting for the consumer.

Invention Solar Marketing is proud to bring digital marketing to the solar industry. The company strives to bring high-quality services to high-quality clients.

Solar and digital marketing are both emerging, so why not use one to promote the other? Solar innovation makes a great selling point.

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