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The Leads Are Weak, You’re Weak

The Leads Are Weak, You’re Weak

The Solar Leads are Weak, You're Weak Welcome to the challenging world of residential solar sales, where every sales guy will tell you how great they are, how many deals they close, and how many yachts they're going to buy.  Where money talks and a lot of bull-shit...

80% of Solar Sales is Personality

80% of Solar Sales is Personality

Holy cow! 80% of successful solar sales are about personality. In the world of residential solar, it's not just about knowing your product inside and out or understanding the technicalities of financing and leases. Solar in-home or virtual sales are all about...

Top Solar Quotes

Top Solar Quotes

Click here and get your solar quote. We researched the top solar quotes in history and the author's thought process.  We hope you enjoy this article. Let us know if you have a solar quote you want us to include on this page. 1. "I'd put my money on the sun and solar...

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